Traditional Acupuncture Treatments
(60 minutes)
Each session consists of a comprehensive intake and evaluation of your main complaint. The evaluation includes pulse taking and tongue reading and range of motion evaluation if needed. You will proceed to lay on the treatment table and the needles will be placed. Once the needles have been inserted, you will be left to rest for 25 to 35 minutes. Needles will then be removed. Cupping, guasha or tuina will be performed at this time if needed.
Effective for: chronic muscle pain, chronic joint pain, migraines, women's health issues, PTSD, stress, anxiety, digestive imbalances
$150.00 (includes herbal formulas and supplements)
$120.00 (follow up)
$720.00* 6 session package
$960.00* 8 session package
$1,200.00* 10 session package
$1,440.00* 12 session package
(*No insurance, No problem! Care Credit Payment & Finance Options Available.)
Acupuncture - Virtual Consultation
(20 minutes)
This brief virtual session consists of a comprehensive intake on your main complaint. I will also answer any questions you may have about Acupuncture.
Auricular Acupuncture Therapy
(30 minutes)
Auricular Acupuncture is an effective method for treating acute and chronic conditions. It has been proven by WHO to treat PTSD, Stress and Anxiety with no side effects. Small seeds are placed on acupuncture points on the ear. These are left in and usually fall out on their own in 4 to 7 days. This service is ideal for those with a fear of needles or hesitant to having needles placed on their body.
Effective for: PTSD, anxiety, stress
Acupuncture Injection Therapy
(15 minutes Add-On)
Acupuncture Injection Therapy (AIT) follows the same principles as Acupuncture but sterile organic substances are injected into acupuncture points to enhance the acupuncture treatment. The substances are FDA approved. These are administered via hypodermic needle. Your acupuncturist will recommend this if needed to help improve your issue. These are usually provided for issues such as muscle spasms, inflammations, chronic muscular pain and stress.
Effective for: Inflammation, muscle tension, trigger points, detox